- Your highlighter runs out of ink.
- You can discuss cadaver dissection while eating dinner.
- You find yourself talking about which post office innervates your neighborhood and whether or not two highways anastomose.
- You own a 4-color pen and it?s not enough colors for you.
- You have used up more than 6 highlighters in the past 6 months.
- You have highlighted something you wrote.
- You skip class to study.
- You have made a medical joke and no one laughed.
- Your eyesight has worsened by 10 points or more in the last 4 years.
- You have debated between giving up eating or sleeping in order to find more time to study.
- You have a differential diagnosis for your own abdominal pain that includes names of pathogens.
- The drama in your life is rivaled only by high school.
- You think ?courtesy of Wikipedia? should be somewhere on your diploma.
- You have purchased a case of red bull and then complained that it wasn?t enough.
- You have finished an entire season of Friends three days before an exam because you?re so burnt out on studying, but so strung out on red bull.
- You get sleepy after lunch and start thinking about the insulin/glucagon system.
- Anatomy labs make you hungry.
- You can name more amino acids than past presidents.
- You see nothing abnormal about the Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- You can?t remember if you came to medical school because you wanted to help people or because you hate yourself.
Koma svo ENGA öfund út í okkur!!!!
Dr.H & Dr. M ( ekki alveg vissar um hvað þær eru að gera hérna úti...)